Trip to 潮州

This weekend is the actual last day of my exchange year. Because I wanted to, and because my family comes here to have some fun, I extended this stay until July 31st.  With this, we with my organization went to another, much smaller city than Shenzhen, to travel and go sightseeing. My place, as you … More Trip to 潮州

Back again

Ok, I am back. I haven’t written in the past week or so. I am incredibly sorry for that. The thing is that right now I have found my dream, I have an awesome goal, so I keep going and growing in order to achieve it. So my goal is to do HSK 6 which … More Back again

China Festival?!

2017.01.14 This week started off with 18 hours of tests. Chinese student across the country are facing the ‘what did you learn in the past 5 months’ truth test. This is the end term exams. 9 subjects, no escape.  Now you can see how hard did you study and what you improved compared to your … More China Festival?!